The Exploring the Institutionalisation of Archaeology team would like to thank the following organisations for their generous support of the seminar series. Without the financial backing of these sponsors, we would be unable to run the series. We are extremely grateful for their benefactions.
Founded in 2000, The BAVS is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about the Victorian period. It has over 600 members based in the UK and beyond, drawn both from the academic community and the general public. The BAVS and its members support a wide range of interests in the nineteenth century, including art history, cultural studies, history, literary studies, performance studies and the history of science. The BAVS is a strong supporter of postgraduate-organised/led events such as the Exploring the Institutionalisation of Archaeology seminar, awarding funding to two such events each academic year.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King's College London
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King's is a world leading centre for the study of the arts and humanities, welcoming nearly 5,000 students per annum. The Faculty was founded in 1989 following the amalgamation of the former faculties of Arts, Music, and Theology. The Faculty has many cultural partners in London, including but not limited to the Royal Academy of Music, the British Library, British Museum, National Gallery, and National Theatre. The Faculty financially supports its postgraduate research students to run new and innovative initiatives, such as group events and seminar series, through its PGR events grants.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King's College London
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King's is a world leading centre for the study of the arts and humanities, welcoming nearly 5,000 students per annum. The Faculty was founded in 1989 following the amalgamation of the former faculties of Arts, Music, and Theology. The Faculty has many cultural partners in London, including but not limited to the Royal Academy of Music, the British Library, British Museum, National Gallery, and National Theatre. The Faculty financially supports its postgraduate research students to run new and innovative initiatives, such as group events and seminar series, through its PGR events grants.